How to make Turquoise (Designz) work for you
Guess what? We like the colour turquoise.
We’re betting you do too.
Light turquoise, dark turquoise, turquoise dresses even Versace Dylan turquoise fragrance but then who doesn’t?
So we called our business turquoise but it does go deeper than just appreciation for the colour.
Below we explain our thoughts behind the colour, the brand, the psychology and how this may help you.
Turquoise Psychology:
You may have heard of the theory of the psychology of colours. Well as turquoise is a mix between the colours blue and green, we like to think it benefits from both of them (with zero drawbacks of course).
Blue is believed to be the colour that elicits trust, calm and loyalty. Green however is the colour of nature, healing, freshness and even growth (e.g. the colour of spring).
This overall calming and trusting sense is a feeling that we’d love our clients (and readers) to feel when they think of us. After all, clients put ongoing trust (blue) with us on a monthly basis. Along with our services and maintenance packages, in place to help their business grow (green). We want you to know that you can.
This isn’t the entire reason we expect our clients to trust us of course. There’s many factors that come into trusting a brand and building long term happy relationships. However, to quote the UK supermarket store, Tesco’s slogan – ‘every little helps’. Well, I guess you never know how far something small can go. Oh and by the way Tesco’s logo is predominantly blue. Surprised?
This isn’t to say other colours won’t do just as great a job for their respective brands. For instance, Ferrari is synonymous with the colour red, namely Rosso Corsa (or racing red). I mean, when you think of red sports car do you think of Ferrari or do you think of Ferrari?
It makes sense too. The psychology believed to be behind the colour red are characteristics like, passion, power, danger and strength – that sounds like a Ferrari. Maybe red was chosen for those reasons, comment below if you know.
Our brand, like yours can learn from the likes of Ferrari. We can take a leaf out of that awesome Ferrari book and hope to have a somewhat similar effect, albeit for us it’s with turquoise.
It’s something to bear in mind whenever producing designs. The question, does this colour go with this product and why? Is something we ask ourselves when producing a brand. I am unsure as to how other digital/design agencies oversee this, if at all. I seems being meticulous is the bane of our existence, still we wouldn’t have it any other way and we guess neither would our clients.
A little history on colour(s):
The ancient Egyptians knew a few things, didn’t they!
It is believed that Egyptians saw colour as more than just a colour, to them colours had more of an essence. For instance they considered turquoise to be a colour of promise and foretelling.
Turquoise gemstone was heavily mined by the Egyptians in the Sinai area and was the first stone to lend its name to a colour.
Whereas blue was actually invented by the ancient Egyptians. Interestingly so as some scientist believe early humans were colour blind and could only see a limited palette of colours. Blue is rarely seen in nature (other than the sky or water). At the time humans had no way of describing the colour blue and therefore had no real concept of it.
That’s where the Egyptians came in. They were the first to create a synthetically produced blue, which became aptly named Egyptian Blue.
Fast forward a few millennia and you come to the genius of Aristotle who is considered to have developed the first ever theory of colour.
Even later down the line other contributors shared their findings and added their own pieces to the “evolution” of colour puzzle; Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (theories of psychological impacts), Carl Jung and more.
Suffice to say there’s a great lineage of some of the sharpest minds in history that had their influence in shaping the palettes and ideas we have today about colours. For us that’s worth noting.
Why this helps you:
Learning the history of something can help understand your today better while establishing a clearer plan for tomorrow. You never know what may be unearthed and you never know how you can use this new information to your advantage.
Your brand does not need to be synonymous with a colour per se, however you can use this insight that has been maturing over hundreds if not thousands of years and implement upon this knowledge.
Your branding will surely benefit from our own journey too, take what we learn along the way and use it to your advantage. Our journey will be well documented within our blog posts.
Alternatively you can keep up to date with our journey via social media posts or join our growing community simply by email subscribing to our latest newsletters here.
We hope to continuously adopt and promote the colour respectively. More importantly we hope to acquire knowledge on design and technologies to keep our business and our clients businesses growing, even if in the slightest ways.
With our business having only launched in 2013, we still have a great bluey green path to pave yet.
Ultimately our turquoise journey has just started but turquoise (gemstone) has been around since the beginning and revered ever since.
Using the Ferrari example, any slight advantage is still an advantage and should not be taken lightly. Especially in an industry where such fine margins could mean winning or losing. The colour or name of your brand can be judged just as much.
From the name of a brand to a businesses purpose, from innovations throughout history to an inspired colour, Turquoise Designz hope to galvanize businesses with their own innovative journey that will leave their unique mark in time.
Turquoise Designz, more than just a colour.
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